I wanted to explain why I do not prescribe or participate in the gender labels like adding pronouns in my e-mail signature. Firstly, I don’t really think an e-mail should be so personal as to include what my sexual organs are or what terms I use to describe myself in third person.
It is my belief that if someone wants to be called by something else, then it is incumbent upon that same person, (not myself or anyone else), to make others aware of how they want to be addressed. I think it is a bit creepy that we just started adding “she/her” to our names…and no ability to just “opt out.” Why can’t I be a non-participant? Do you need me to clarify for you that I have a vagina…? Shouldn’t that be my choice to disclose? Think on it…
I can empathize with people and respect what they want to be called, but the onus is not on me to just magically know how to address someone, and to put this onus on the entire nation is quite frankly…kind of gross. Then when those in authority positions find ways to make money off of this “new trend” – they will never stop pushing the trend until its beaten worse than a dead horse.
My issue is not with anyone, my issue is that the gender issue is being used to restrict speech. Simply put, it is a hidden speech regulation. It is a small, baby step, to see how far the public can be pushed, compelled, and then forced to speak or think or even act in ways that we normally wouldn’t find rational. I see this new trend (for example, changing the definition of gender into how one feels; and using pro-nouns to categorize ourselves) as something that will grow further and further into a regulation and restriction on speech.
I will not be forced to speak words that are not of my own free will. Period. I don’t care if you are a magical pony, or if you want to identify as a magical pony…I will call you magical pony… but I will not start telling people that I am not a magical pony, simply because now you think you are.
Sex is not changeable. There are males and there are females. Embrace who you are. We don’t see other animals doing this…and then the argument for that is: “well, animals don’t have gender identity.”
My response: so, wouldn’t that mean that gender identity is not natural to humans either? So, then it is manmade? Manufactured by humans? Also, how do we know animals don’t have gender identity if humans have it? Have you asked the squirrels outside what they think about gender? When we do, please let me know what the squirrels say…so I can update this piece.
Gender is not something that can be so easily manipulated and changed whenever your mind feels like it. However, if we are to say “okay, fine, gender can be changed based on how you feel…” – wouldn’t that tend to lead to confusing people and aims at the opposite goal it outwardly pretends to portray...?
Regardless of the science or pseudoscience or whatever factors you may consider that would justify this social change or whatever you may call it – please throw them out the window.
I do not care about anything beyond my freedom to think and freedom to speak. I care about the restriction on my speech…your speech…the public’s right to freedom of speech. I will never sit in silence while I know lies are being spread and reality is moving further from reality.
We are far enough out as it is…I’m not interested in going much farther away from what is truly…true.