December 26, 2022
Okay, so this hypothesis came to my attention…
Grey aliens…
For the purpose of this piece, we’re assuming that grey aliens are real and we’re not going to fight or debate that fact.
So, what if these grey aliens were not actually aliens – or rather some kind of worker bee race for another group of aliens…?
And/or, what if these things were not actually biological beings, or in other words, they lack an inner soul, they only have consciousness?
Would this be a reason why people report being abducted or worked on by these things? Who knows. I am just sharing what came across my attention and seemingly stuck in my mind – enough for me to write this…
I don’t really know what I think of this hypothesis or theory. I just think its honestly not that wild of a theory… but going more in depth would likely warrant a further discussion into the soul and consciousness -- and I am not ready for all that just yet.
But basically this theory that these Grey Aliens are some sort of A.I. [run] beings that are in search of a soul -- which, to be honest, is unsettling to even think about, especially as I write it out. But is it really that far fetched? Eh -- just not something you hear everyday...right?
Thanks for reading 📖
Sending positivity!
-- FG