Stop Giving Away Your Rights - don't be right, get it right.
The purpose of debate is to find truth in its purest form. (Me to me: you're so poetic, LOL).
STOP giving away rights that solely belong to you. Don’t allow others to claim ownership over your rights & liberties.
STOP creating bullshit “made-up” flaws about yourself and please STOP giving others the discretion to create “make-believe” flaws about you that don’t exist.
Do you follow?
But I wonder, what is it like to be so arrogant? Meaning, what is it like to believe you are absolutely correct in your argument, your research, etc.? What is it like to believe that your studies and findings are concrete, solid facts? Will you be able to accept a challenge to your knowledge and wisdom? Unfortunately, this is where a lot of conflict arises in our lives.
Example 1: Illustration
For instance, doctors advise us based on our medical history of what best methods, options, and treatments are available to us. So, let’s say someone who is not a doctor, nor familiar with you, says that you must take a medication and if you don’t take the medication then you’re essentially a bad person (or a P.O.S., in lamest terms)…My point is, this person who tells you that you must take this medication, no other options…I ask – what is it like to truly be so arrogant in your beliefs? Believing that the shit you spew is so accurate, that if other people don’t take your advice or orders, then they are willfully trying to hurt either themselves, others, society – the list is not exhaustive.
Example 2: Illustration
Think about during this time with people getting COVID-19 vaccinations – or exercising their free will and choosing NOT to get the vaccine. For anyone to tell me they know best for my body and therefore, I need to follow their advice and do “ABCDE…” – this person is trying to claim ownership to my body to which they have NO right to claim.
But what's more mind boggling is this ridiculous belief that there are certainty’s or absolutes in this world... there aren't... Nothing is absolute...everything is subject to review and change, that is how humans evolve and grow...
The Concern
The worry I have about this way of thinking is that this belief system of, “I am 100% right and all-knowing” is so strong to some people, that they can end up thinking they have a right to delegate and govern others to do things – based off of this arrogant and strong belief that whatever they know… is the truth in its purest form. How do you change a mindset like that?
At the end of the day, nothing truly matters beyond the love and care we give to ourselves. Why would we sit back and self-censure ourselves to make someone else happy? Especially when doing so could go against your morals, integrity and personal beliefs.
In my life, I do what is best for me. I don't need anyone to make decisions for me, or direct me to my purpose...I can handle these things on my own, and what a blessing that truly take ownership of your power.
At the end of the day, I die alone, with myself... and the only person I will need to be happy & okay with... Is myself... Not you, not anyone (in the kindest way).
I love to debate; not as much as I used to when I was younger, but that is because my perception of debating has changed. It is because my purpose (in debate) is to seek truth, knowledge, further wisdom. I do not debate to BE RIGHT.
The purpose of debate (in my eyes), is to GET IT RIGHT -- NOT TO BE RIGHT. And if the risk of losing is that you gain further truth and further knowledge – then it was all worth it... don't you think?