A short introduction on my next blog/research:
July 10. 2023
By: Faith Gold
Well - if we were to presume that the dime bag of crack or cocaine, whatever was found in the White House belonged to the family...I'm a bit flabbergasted as to how Hunter Biden was only able to get himself such a small "dime bag" of crack/cocain considering how corruptively wealthy the family is...
This is just the reality of where we are in our society. To me, I'm insulted that this behavior is allowed in our highest authority of this country.
For those who can't manage to open their minds to see other perspectives are available - are, in effect, our prison guards who work to keep the rest of society in line with their narrative. Never opening their minds to another perspective, or a new way of thinking.
This is no joke - and it's not funny. Its very serious & it's awful for all of us collectively.
Nothing will change until enough people get fed up and demand a change-- especially the demand to sinply uphold our constitutional rights and not see citizens are mere Chattle.
Moreover - anyone aware of all the new updates that all went under the radar during the week of the missing submarine that wasn't missing (according to the Navy)? Rather, the submarine story was pushed out to the Public as the perfect propaganda... to say --
"hey, look over here, don't look at the fact that impeachment was filed against Biden; or that the FDA approved certain lab grown & nano tech in our foods."
Remain firm in your intuitions and gut feelings.
I hope you all took something away from this short piece.
Meanwhile, it's pretty late (or super early in the morning).
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And of course you may find me on tik tok and ig @finnkers
FG 🌻💡