Aug 9, 2024 at 11_26_17 PM
Did you know your soul has ways of warning you of things? Well, it does!
Pointing a finger or issuing blame is the souls warning and showing you areas of your spirit and soul which need healing. So if you ever see yourself Hating on someone or taking things to heart that make you upset.
Ask — why does this upset me?
Is there something unaddressed here?
A lot of today we see projection — so people place responsibility on strangers to walk on eggshells and not trigger anyone when it’s not their responsibility.
You are responsible for you.
If your feelings get hurt — it is an internal YOU thing. It’s never anything or anyone else but you.
So if you notice yourself pointing blame or seeeing negative in others; note that it stems from you and lies within you.
Thank your soul for bringing it to your attention and begin to do the internal work to free yourself.
What are your thoughts on your soul's warning?
Positivity & light
-- FG